Quasiquotes Specification
Below you can find a comprehensive map between Scala's language constructs and various quasiquotes in scala.meta. If something's missing here, it's a bug that should be submitted to our issue tracker.
This specification describes quasiquote syntax using a markedly condensed notation. If you have troubles decyphering it, consult the "Legend" section in the end of the document.
Expressions (meta.Term)
Quasiquote | |
Literal | q"<literal>" |
This | q"this" , q"$name.this" |
Super | q"super" , q"$name.super" , q"super[$name]" , q"$name.super[$name]" |
Name | q"<name>" |
Selection | q"$expr.$ename" |
Interpolation | Not supported yet |
Application | q"$expr(...$exprss)" |
Type Application | q"$expr[..$tpesnel]" |
Infix Application | q"$expr $ename[..$tpes] $expr" , q"$expr $ename[..$tpes] (..$exprs)" |
Unary Application | q"!$expr", q"~$expr", q"-$expr", "+$expr" |
Assign | q"$expr = $expr" |
Return | q"return $expr" |
Throw | q"throw $expr" |
Ascribe | q"$expr: $tpe" |
Annotate | q"$expr: ..@$annotsnel" |
Tuple | q"(..$exprsnel)" |
Block | q"{ ..$stats }" |
If | q"if ($expr) $expr else $expr" |
Match | q"$expr match { ..case $casesnel }" |
Try | q"try $expr catch { ..case $cases } finally $expropt" |
Try With Handler | q"try $expr catch $expr finally $expropt" |
Function | q"(..$params) => $expr" |
Partial Function | q"{ ..case $casesnel }" |
While | q"while ($expr) $expr" |
Do While | q"do $expr while($expr)" |
For | q"for (..$enumeratorsnel) $expr" |
For Yield | q"for (..$enumeratorsnel) yield $expr" |
New | q"new $init" |
New Anonymous | q"new { ..$stat } with ..$inits { $self => ..$stats }" |
Placeholder | q"_" |
Eta Expansion | q"$expr _" |
Repeated | q"$expr: _*" |
Types (meta.Type)
Quasiquote | |
Literal | t"<literal>" |
Name | t"<name>" |
Selection | t"$eref.$tname" |
Projection | t"$tpe#$tname" |
Singleton | t"$eref.type" |
Application | t"$tpe[..$tpesnel] (vote for #519 to support q"$expr[...$tpess]" ) |
Infix Application | t"$tpe $tname $tpe" |
With | t"$tpe with $tpe" (only for supported dialects) |
And | t"$tpe & $tpe" (only for supported dialects) |
Or | t"$tpe | $tpe" (only for supported dialects) |
Function | t"(..$tpes) => $tpe" |
Implicit Function | t"implicit (..$tpes) => $tpe" |
Tuple | t"(..$tpesnel)" |
Refine | t"$tpeopt { ..$stats }" |
Existential | t"$tpe forSome { ..$statsnel }" |
Annotate | t"$tpe ..@$annotsnel" |
Lambda | t[..$tparams] => $tpe |
Method | t(...$paramss): $tpe |
Placeholder | t"_ >: $tpeopt <: $tpeopt" |
By Name | t"=> $tpe" |
Repeated | t"$tpe*" |
Var | Not supported |
Patterns (meta.Pat) and Cases (meta.Case)
Quasiquote | |
Literal | p"<lit>" |
Wildcard | p"_" |
Sequence Wildcard | p"_*" |
Var | p"<name>" |
Bind | p"$pat @ $pat" |
Alternative | p"$pat | $pat" |
Tuple | p"(..$patsnel)" |
Extract | p"$expr(..$pats)" |
Infix Extract | p"$pat $ename (..$pats)" |
Interpolation | Not supported yet |
Typed | p"$pat: $tpe" |
Name | p"`<name>`" |
Selection | p"$expr.$ename" |
Case | p"case $pat if $expropt => $expr" |
Members (meta.Member)
Quasiquote | |
Val | q"..$mods val ..$patsnel: $tpe" |
Var | q"..$mods var ..$patsnel: $tpe" |
Def | q"..$mods def $ename[..$tparams](...$paramss): $tpe" |
Type | q"..$mods type $tname[..$tparams] >: $tpeopt <: $tpeopt" |
Quasiquote | |
Val | q"..$mods val ..$patsnel: $tpeopt = $expr" |
Var | q"..$mods var ..$patsnel: $tpeopt = $expropt" |
Def | q"..$mods def $ename[..$tparams](...$paramss): $tpeopt = $expr" |
Macro | q"..$mods def $ename[..$tparams](...$paramss): $tpeopt = macro $expr" |
Type | q"..$mods type $tname[..$tparams] = $tpe" |
Class | q"..$mods class $tname[..$tparams] ..$ctorMods (...$paramss) extends $template" |
Trait | q"..$mods trait $tname[..$tparams] extends $template" |
Object | q"..$mods object $ename extends $template" |
Package Object | q"package object $ename extends $template" |
Package | q"package $eref { ..$stats }" |
Primary Ctor | q"..$mods def this(...$paramss)" |
Secondary Ctor | q"..$mods def this(...$paramss) = $expr" |
Value Parameters (meta.Term.Param)
Quasiquote | |
Term Param | param"..$mods $name: $tpeopt = $expropt" |
Type Parameters (meta.Type.Param)
Quasiquote | |
Type Param | tparam"..$mods $name[..$tparams] >: $tpeopt <: $tpeopt <% ..$tpes : ..$tpes" |
Inits (meta.Init)
Quasiquote | |
Init | init"$tpe(...$exprss)" , init"this(...$exprss)" |
Selfs (meta.Self)
Quasiquote | |
Self | self"$name: $tpeopt" , self"this: $tpeopt" |
Template (meta.Template)
Quasiquote | |
Template | template"{ ..$stats } with ..$inits { $self => ..$stats }" (first stats is early initializers, second stats is regular statements in the body of the template). |
Modifiers (meta.Mod)
Quasiquote | |
Annotation | mod"@$annot" |
Private | mod"private[$ref]" |
Protected | mod"protected[$ref]" |
Implicit | mod"implicit" |
Final | mod"final" |
Sealed | mod"sealed" |
Override | mod"override" |
Case | mod"case" |
Abstract | mod"abstract" |
Covariant | mod"+" |
Contravariant | mod"-" |
Lazy | mod"lazy" |
Val Param | mod"valparam" |
Var Param | mod"varparam" |
Inline | mod"inline" |
Enumerators (meta.Enum)
Quasiquote | |
Generator | enumerator"$pat <- $expr" |
Value | enumerator"$pat = $expr" |
Guard | enumerator"if $expr" |
Imports (meta.Import)
Quasiquote | |
Import | q"import ..$importersnel" |
Importer (meta.Importer)
Quasiquote | |
Importer | importer"$eref.{..$importeesnel}" |
Importees (meta.Importee)
Quasiquote | |
Name | importee"$name" |
Rename | importee"$name => $name" |
Unimport | importee"$name => _" |
Wildcard | importee"_" |
Sources (meta.Source)
Quasiquote | |
Source | source"..$stats" |
The tables above define quasiquote syntax using a notation called quasiquote templates. A quasiquote is valid if it conforms to exactly one quasiquote template according to the following rules:
Any trivia token (e.g. whitespace and comments) in a quasiquote template or a quasiquote is insignificant and is ignored for the purposes of conformance testing.
Any non-trivia token in a quasiquote template, except for an unquote template, means that exactly that token is required in a quasiquote, with the following exceptions:
- Parentheses, brackets and braces around unquotes are oftentimes dropped if
they wrap empty lists, e.g.
q"x + y"
conforms toq"$expr $ename[..$tpes] $expr"
. with
is dropped if there are zero or one inits, e.g. bothq"new {}"
andq"new C"
conform toq"new { ..$stat } with ..$inits { $self => ..$stats }
.- This list is probably incomplete. Please submit an issue if you find any discrepancies.
- Parentheses, brackets and braces around unquotes are oftentimes dropped if
they wrap empty lists, e.g.
An unquote template (
) works as follows:First, we strip standard suffixes from
using the "Suffixes" table (e.g.exprssnel
means a non-empty list of lists ofexpr
).Second, we figure out the expected type of
using the "Shorthands" table (e.g.expr
, soexprssnel
).Third, we apply an appropriate number of replications to the unquote template to have it match the corresponding part of a quasiquote that's being tested for conformance:
can not be replicated...$smth
means an arbitrary mix of$smth
unquote templates separated according to their location (e.g. an empty string,[$tpe]
,[..$tpes, $tpe]
all conform to[..$tpes]
, and the separator is a comma, as appropriate for a list of type arguments)....$smth
means an arbitrary mix of$smth
unquote templates, separated according to their location (e.g. an empty string,(...$exprss)
,(..$exprs)($expr1, $expr2)()
all conform to(...$exprss)
, and the separator are matching parentheses, as appropriate for a list of arguments).- If a suffix of
says that it's a non-empty list, then replication can't result in an empty list. - If a quasiquote is used as a pattern, then some replications may be illegal.
Finally, we match the unquotes after replication against the corresponding parts of the quasiquote under conformance test. There are three possibilities for a match: scala syntax, unquote, lifted unquote.
If not specified explicitly, quasiquote templates work for both construction and deconstruction. In some cases, a template is only applicable to construction (e.g. it's impossible to pattern match a name without specifying an expected type explicitly, because patterns like in
term match { case q"$ename" => }
will match any term, not limited to just term names).
Type | Shorthand |
meta.Case | $case |
meta.Enumerator | $enumerator |
meta.Mod | $mod |
meta.Mod.Annot | $annot |
meta.Name | $name |
meta.Importee | $importee |
meta.Importer | $importer |
meta.Init | $init |
meta.Pat | $pat |
meta.Ref | $ref |
meta.Self | $self |
meta.Stat | $stat |
meta.Template | $template |
meta.Term | $expr |
meta.Term.Name | $ename |
meta.Term.Ref | $eref |
meta.Term.Param | $param |
meta.Type | $tpe |
meta.Type.Name | $tname |
meta.Type.Param | $tparam |
Suffix | Wrapped Type | Example |
-s | List[_] | exprs: List[meta.Term] |
-ss | List[List[_]] | exprss: List[List[meta.Term]] |
-opt | Option[_] | expropt: Option[meta.Term] |
-nel | _ | tpesnel: List[meta.Type] |